Recoolit is spearheading innovation to make cooling sustainable all around the world.
Every fridge, freezer, and AC unit relies on refrigerants to function. But if these gases are released into the atmosphere, they are incredibly harmful greenhouse gases - thousands of times more potent than CO2 at trapping heat. Unfortunately, when these cooling devices need maintenance or reach end-of-life, the refrigerant waste inside is often released, creating a massive climate impact.
Our work generates high-quality carbon credits, which offer a simple and effective solution for companies and individuals looking to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier environment. We cannot do our work without your help!
Preventing these emissions requires that we buy equipment, provide it for free to technicians, and pay them for the extra time and effort to act sustainably. We also have to pay to transport and destroy these gases in an approved facility.Your purchase funds further capture and destruction of harmful refrigerant emissions.
If you've read this far and you still want to learn more, please reach out!