Keeping 1 billion tonnes of CO2e emissions out of the atmosphere by 2050

Recoolit is spearheading innovation to make cooling sustainable all around the world.

The Problem

Refrigerants are responsible for over 3 billion tonnes of CO2e each year.

Every fridge, freezer, and AC unit relies on refrigerants to function. But if these gases are released into the atmosphere, they are incredibly harmful greenhouse gases - thousands of times more potent than CO2 at trapping heat. Unfortunately, when these cooling devices need maintenance or reach end-of-life, the refrigerant waste inside is often released, creating a massive climate impact.

Our Solution

Recoolit's technology coordinates an ecosystem of partners to capture harmful refrigerant waste and destroy it, permanently preventing environmental impact.

Our work generates high-quality carbon credits, which offer a simple and effective solution for companies and individuals looking to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier environment. We cannot do our work without your help!

How It Works

When you purchase our credits, you buy a distinct quantity of destroyed gas.

Here's how we do it.

First, our awesome technician partners recover greenhouse gases into our reusable cylinders.

Hermawan and Siti recover waste gas from a household unit during maintenance.
Panasonic Serial Number: ZGVMYU70
R-134A GWP1530 Wt 4.7 kg

Next, we process the cylinders at one of our warehouses.

They are weighed, tested to measure global warming potential, and consolidated into larger tanks.The empty cylinders are vacuumed out and returned to technicians for re-use.

Finally, the gases are safely and permanently destroyed at our facilities.

This is done in full compliance with local waste management regulations and UN’s technical standards.

Every step in this process is tracked digitally on our platform, creating a robust audit trail.

Purchasers can follow the gas from a specific device, recovered by a particular technician with a specific recovery machine, through transport and consolidation, all the way to its destruction.

Recoolit creates unique, high-integrity, science-backed carbon credits.

Guaranteed additional reduction in CO2e

These refrigerants would reach the atmosphere immediately without your credit purchase. Our work prevents these emissions and keeps the planet cool.

Permanent CO2e

When Recoolit destroys refrigerants, they’re gone forever. We destroy gas to international standards, and our emissions prevention is permanent and irreversible.

Fully transparent
digital trail

When you buy our credits, you can track the avoided emissions every step of the way. And we’ve made our registry public, so there’s no question of double-selling.

Our credits are trusted by sophisticated platforms and buyers.

Your Impact

We’ve developed an end-to-end process for preventing refrigerant emissions. But we need your help. 

Preventing these emissions requires that we buy equipment, provide it for free to technicians, and pay them for the extra time and effort to act sustainably. We also have to pay to transport and destroy these gases in an approved facility.Your purchase funds further capture and destruction of harmful refrigerant emissions.



48 tonnes of CO2e per year, equivalent to:
3.2 people
(average American’s emissions/year)
5400 gallons
(burning gasoline)
17.1 flights
(from LAX to NYC)
Buy credits
As a company, you can counteract your own business emissions and keep employees and customers happy by committing to sustainability.


15.2 tonnes of CO2e per year, equivalent to:
1.0 people
(average American's emissions/year)
251 trees
(carbon sequestered in first 10 years)
5.4 flights
(from LAX to NYC)
Buy credits
Purchasing carbon credits is an easy way to address your personal emissions and make a big difference in fighting climate change.
Starting at:


We would love to partner with you. Please let us know a bit about you, and we'll get in touch!
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